
Monday 101419 Strength/Skill ON A 12:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Establish 10RM Push Press* *Max 2 attempts at 10RM EVERY 4:00 x 3 SETS 15 Burpee Over Bar 20 Push Press (115/75)|(75/55) 30 Box Jump (20 or less) OPTIONAL FINISHER FOR TIME* Hit a 4th Set of the Workout! *Rest at least 3:00 minutes after the end of the workout, then hit a 4th & final set! Tuesday 101519
EMOM x 24 MINUTES MIN 1 - 2-3 Front Squats (Athlete Choice, Heavy*) MIN 2 - 12/10 Cal Bike MIN 3 - 2-3 Rope Climbs MIN 4 - :45 Static Hold (Athlete Choice**) *Bar for the Front Squat can come from the rack or the floor. **Options for Static Hold... Hollow Hold Superman Hold Plank Hold L-Sit Wall-Sit Tuck Hold Bar Hang Ring Support Hold Bottom Dip Hold KB Front Rack Hold Wednesday 101619
Strength/Skill 3x5 Power Snatch* *Today's goal is to hit 3 moderate sets of 5 at the same weight across. No misses and perfect mechanics. This is not 5RM. BENCHMARK WORKOUT "POWER PLUS AMANDA" FOR TIME 11-9-7-5 Power Snatch (135/95)|(95/65) Bar Muscle-Up -15:00 Hard Cap- Thursday 101719
PARTNER RECOVERY WORKOUT IN TEAMS OF 2... AMRAP x 15 MINUTES P1 - Row for Cals P2 - 5 DB Bent Over Rows + 10 Up-Downs + 15 Slam Balls -Rest 2:00- AMRAP x 15 MINUTES P1 - Bike for Cals P2 - 5 Push-ups + 10 Step-Ups (24/20) + 15 Air Squats *In both AMRAPs, P2 is the pace-setter. P2 completes a full round of the work while P1 is on the bike or rower. Once P2 finishes a full round, athletes switch. Score is the total number of calories. COOL DOWN FOR RECOVERY 5:00 Foam Rolling or 5:00 Flow Stretching Friday 101819
"OPEN 20.2” TBD ATG45 Monday 101419 Strength/Skill EMOM x 8 MINUTES 3 Push Press* *Increase weight every other round. Keep weight moderate-heavy. 6 ROUNDS FOR TIME 50 Double Unders 300m Row 12 Push Press (95/65) Tuesday 101519
Strength/Skill EMOM x 8 MINUTES 3 Deadlifts* *Increase weight every other round. Keep weight moderate-heavy. AMRAP x 14 MINUTES 3-6-9...and so on Deadlifts (155/105) Toe 2 Bar or Hanging Knee Raise Burpee Over Bar Wednesday 101619
Strength/Skill EVERY 2:00 FOR 4 SETS 5 Strict Pull-ups 15 Supinated Bent Over Row* *Keep weight moderate. FOR TIME 200m Farmer Carry (53/35) into... 7 ROUNDS 5 Pull-ups 10 Sit-ups 15 Air Squats into... 200m Farmer Carry Thursday 101719
Strength/Skill 6-6-6-6-6 Tempo Bench Press (31X1) EVERY 2:00 FOR 5 SETS 12/10 Cal Bike MAX Devil's Press (35/25) in remaining time Friday 101819
Strength/Skill EMOM x 8 MINUTES 3 Back Squats* *Increase weight every other round. Keep weight moderate-heavy. "DOUBLE AMRAP" AMRAP x 6 MINUTES 5 Front Squats (95/65) 7 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 10 Wall Ball (20/14) -Rest 2:00- AMRAP X 6 MINUTES 5 Front Squats 7 Box Jump Overs 10 Wall Ball