032524-032924Monday Back Squat 10 x 3 Buildingstart at 50%Lower Body FinisherEMOM 121: 12-20 Calorie C2 Bike2: 50' DB (2) Walking Lunge3: 20 Banded Hamstring Curl TuesdayStrength Emom x 12 2 Clean and Jerks Start around 55% and build to moderate weight Carolina Blue For Time:20 Hang Power Clean & Jerk 115/803 Rope Climb15 Hang Power Clean & Jerk2 Rope Climb10 Hang Power Clean & Jerk1 Rope Climb Cap = 10 Minutes Fitness:20 DB Hang Power Clean and Press6 Rope Pulls 15 DB Hang Power Clean and Press4 Rope Pulls 10 DB Hang Power Clean and Press 2 Rope Pulls Rx+:155/105 WednesdayElevated Deadlift4x5The suggested height is the bar being a few inches lower than your kneesRocky & Rubble3 sets:14 KB (1) Front Rack Russian Step Up (7/7)100' Sandbag Bearhug Carry15 Banded Tricep Press down+3 sets:14 Good Mornings 20 KB Bent Over Rows (10/10)15 BB Bicep Curl Thursday11:11 11min AMRAP12/10 Cal Ski15 Wall Ball 20/14100m Run 1min Rest 11min AMRAP15/12 Cal Bike40 Double Under15 Push Up Fitness:60 Single Under RX+:30/20 WBStructured Stretching Vol. 11 1. Banded posterior hip distraction x 1 minute/side 2. Banded shoulder distraction x 1 minute/side 3. Calf KB smash x 1 minute/side4. Turn Back Stretch x 1 minute/side Friday Snatch COMPLEXEvery 90sec x 61 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 OHSStart around 60% and buildThe Way Things Used To Be For Time:20 Power Snatches 115/8020 Burupees 10 Power Snatches10 Burpees Cap = 10 minutes
Monday Back Squat 10 x 3 Buildingstart at 50%Lower Body FinisherEMOM 121: 12-20 Calorie C2 Bike2: 50' DB (2) Walking Lunge3: 20 Banded Hamstring Curl TuesdayStrength Emom x 12 2 Clean and Jerks Start around 55% and build to moderate weight Carolina Blue For Time:20 Hang Power Clean & Jerk 115/803 Rope Climb15 Hang Power Clean & Jerk2 Rope Climb10 Hang Power Clean & Jerk1 Rope Climb Cap = 10 Minutes Fitness:20 DB Hang Power Clean and Press6 Rope Pulls 15 DB Hang Power Clean and Press4 Rope Pulls 10 DB Hang Power Clean and Press 2 Rope Pulls Rx+:155/105 WednesdayElevated Deadlift4x5The suggested height is the bar being a few inches lower than your kneesRocky & Rubble3 sets:14 KB (1) Front Rack Russian Step Up (7/7)100' Sandbag Bearhug Carry15 Banded Tricep Press down+3 sets:14 Good Mornings 20 KB Bent Over Rows (10/10)15 BB Bicep Curl Thursday11:11 11min AMRAP12/10 Cal Ski15 Wall Ball 20/14100m Run 1min Rest 11min AMRAP15/12 Cal Bike40 Double Under15 Push Up Fitness:60 Single Under RX+:30/20 WBStructured Stretching Vol. 11 1. Banded posterior hip distraction x 1 minute/side 2. Banded shoulder distraction x 1 minute/side 3. Calf KB smash x 1 minute/side4. Turn Back Stretch x 1 minute/side Friday Snatch COMPLEXEvery 90sec x 61 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 OHSStart around 60% and buildThe Way Things Used To Be For Time:20 Power Snatches 115/8020 Burupees 10 Power Snatches10 Burpees Cap = 10 minutes