Monday (Nov 1st) STRENGTH: Squat Snatch 3 Reps @70% 3 Reps @75% 3x2 Reps @80% *Focus on good form and speed under the bar today! ...

Monday (Oct 25th) WORKOUT: For Time: 500m Row 21-15-9 OH Squats @115/75lbs *Try to stay steady on the row and get the OH squats unbroken...

Monday (Oct 18th) SKILL 10:00 EMOM 5 Muscle Ups WORKOUT: 5 Rounds For Time: 9 OH Squats @135/95lbs 12 Burpee To Touches 15/12 Cal Bike...

Monday (Oct 11th) WORKOUT: 15:00 AMRAP 200 Meter Run 12 Hang DB Clean and Jerks @50/35lbs 18 Wall Balls FINISHER: 3 Rounds: 12 DB Bent...

Monday Bench Press 10 @50% 8 @55% 6 @60% 4 @65% 2 @70% 12 Min-AMRAP 30 DUBS 5 Push-ups 5 Wall Balls 5 Ab-Mat Sit-ups *Add 5 reps to all...