Monday Snatch EMOM 5 2 Reps @ 70-80% -1 minute reset EMOM 5 1 rep - @ 80% + Fitness: EMOM 5 4 Kettlebell Swing 1 min EMOM 5 8 KB Plank...

Monday Every Little Thing For Time: 100 Double Under 27 Wall Ball 20/14 21 Lateral Burpee Over Bar 15 Calorie Ski 9 Squat Clean 185/125...

Monday Front Squat 5 x 5 1 & 1/2 Front Squat Start around 60% and increase from there, but no more than 75%. Lower Body Slam Jam EMOM 16...

Monday Back Squat 10-8-6-4-2 Start around 65% or so and gradually build. Don't push the 4's and 2's “too hard” though. No need to exceed...