For Time with PartnerBuy In: 2001m RunYou Go, I Go.Each Partner Completes 11 Reps of every movement11 Box Jumps 24/2011 Thruster 115/8511 C2B11 Power Cleans11 Push Up11 Kettlebell Swings 53/3511 T2B11 Deadlift11 Push JerkBuy Out: 2001m RowFitness:C2B= Ring RowT2B= Sit-UpRX+:30/24, 155/105, Strict HSPU, 70/53
Empty Promises (Time)For Time:1000/900 m C2 Bike or 500/400m Row 5 Sand Bag Cleans (100/75)500/400m Ski Erg5 Sand Bag Cleans20/16 Calorie Bike5 Sand Bag CleansCap = 12 MinutesFitness:10 SlamballsRx + 150 / 100
Kore Kash Out (Checkmark)TABATA x 6 Minutes:-Plank-Medball Russian Twists-Reverse Plank Alt. Leg Lifts
Dumbbell Bench Press (slightly ascend)1 x 151 x 121 x 102 x 8 (same weight)Start out at a moderately tough 15, then ascend through 2 final sets of 8. Our 8's should be heavy/tough AND the same weight.
Hang On Tight (Time)For Time:Burpee to Target (6")2-4-6-8-10Rope Climb5-4-3-2-1Cap = 12 Minutes
Thursday 800-600-400m Run
20 Wall Balls
20 DB Snatches 50/35
50 Double Unders
35/20 DB
100 Single Unders
30/20lb WB
70 Double Unders
Deadlift 1 x 12 @ 40%1 x 10 @ 50%1 x 8 @ 60%1 x 6 @ 70%1 x 4 @ 80%
Baker's Dozen (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 813 Hang Power Snatch 75/5513 AbMat Sit Up13 Pull UpFitness:Hang DB (1) SnatchRx+:95/65, 7 Bar Muscle Up