Monday (Aug 29th)
Back Squat
1x6 @ 80-85%
1x8 @ -10 to 20lbs lighter From 6 Rep
1x10 @ -10 to 20lbs lighter From 8 Rep
Warm up and build to your heavy 6 for today and then complete 2 drop sets at higher reps.
Shimmy Shimmy Ya (AMRAP - Reps) Every 2min x 5 200m Run Max Wall Balls 20/14 Score is total Wall Balls
Tuesday (Aug 30th)
Hang In There!
12min EMOM
- 10-20 T2B
- 15/12 Cal Row
- Rest
Fitness: Strict Knee Raises
12/9 Cal Row
Necessary Accessory 14min AMRAP 200ft Single Arm Farmers Carry 10-15 KB Upright Row 30sec Assault Bike 50m Reverse Sled Drag (Light/Moderate) 12/12 Palloff Press
If you want to raise the intensity of the workout, push harder on the Assault Bike.
Wednesday (Aug 31st)
Power Clean + Push Press
Set 1-3: 77-78% of 1RM C+J
Set 4-5: 85-90% of 1RM C+J
Nate (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP in 20 minutes 2 Muscle-Ups 4 Handstand Push-Ups 8 Kettlebell Swings (70/53) Fitness 1: 4 Pull Up/C2B Fitness 2: 6 Box Dips 8 Push Up 8 KBS 55/35 Have fun and settle into a repeatable pace on this one!
Thursday (Sep 1st)
Marcel (Time)
Every 4min x 6 25/20 Cal Bike 50 Double Under 2 Rope Climb The score is Slowest Round Fitness: 18/14 Cal 75 Jump Rope 3 Rope Pulls or 10 Ring Row
Move fast! Your score will be your slowest round today so watch your pace.
Friday (Sep 2nd)
Overhead Squat (6x3)
Pulling from the floor today!
Start at a moderate to lightweight and build by feel.
In The Pit (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps) 7min AMRAP 4 Squat Snatch 95/65 8 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20 Fitness 1: 4 Squat Clean 95/65 Fitness 2: 4 DB Squat Clean (Moderate/Heavy) 10 Standard Burpee RX+: 135/95
Cruse on the bar and go fast on the burpees. The bar can be on the heavy-ish side as long and the movement looks good!