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Monday (Jan 10th)

New Movement of the month!

1RM Clean and Jerk

*work up to a heavy clean and jerk I would suggest warming up with doubles and then 7-10 singles sets with small weight jumps especially as the weight gets closer to your 1RM.


6 Rounds For Time:

5 Power Clean and Jerks @185/125lbs

5 Muscle Ups

50ft HSW

Rest 1:00 after each round

Tuesday (Jan 11th)


Pause Back Squat

4x3 Reps @70% of 1RM

*2-3 second pause, all sets at the same weight, should be a moderate-light weight.


4 Rounds:

3:00 AMRAP

25 Push Ups

25 TTB

Max Bike calories in remaining time

Rest 1:00 between rounds

Wednesday (Jan 12th)


Front Squat

2 Sets:

3-2-1 Reps

@70-75-80% of 1RM

*Rest 0:90 between squat sets


For Time: w/Partner

100 Cal Row

100 Wall Balls @20/14lbs

*20:00 Time Cap

Thursday (Jan 13th)


7:00 EMOM

2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk @65% of 1RM

*Take the barbell from the floor each time

**Weight should be 65-70% of 1RM C&J


6 Rounds For Time:

50 DUs

16 TTB

8 Deficit HSPUs @8/4”

*16:00 Time Cap

Friday (Jan 14th)

Weights for Plates!


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