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Bench Press 8, 5, 3, 3, 8 Start with a tough 8, then ascend through the 5 and 3's, then try to match your tough 8 again.

Short Stack (Time) For Time: 40/32 Calorie Bike 40 Toe to Bar


Squat Clean and Jerk Week 3/6 Every 2min x 6 1 Squat Clean + 2 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Split Jerk Start around 50-55% of your 1RM C+J and build

Wheels Up (No Measure) EMOM 12 1: Weighted Plank x :30 2: Sandbag Carry x 150' 3: Kettlebell Front Rack March x :30

Solid accessory work to complement our clean & jerk cycle. There won't be a ton of rest or transition time, so as soon as you finish one station, hurry over to the next one so you don't fall behind.


Alabi Every 4 Minutes x 4 Sets: 15/12 Calorie Ski/Row (alternate) 15 Wall Ball 20/14 2 Rope Climb Rx+: 30/20lb Wallball

First climb = Legless

Hump Day Pump Day (No Measure) 3 Sets: 10 Seated Tempo Dumbbell Shoulder Press (:02 down/:02 up) 20 Standing Kettlebell High Pull

Keep a strict tempo count on your DB strict press, don't rush!


The Countdown (Time)

For Time: Run 200m 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpee to Target (6") Box Step Up 24/20" Cap = 24 Minutes *200m Run before each round of Burpees and Step Ups

Our goal should be to modify to keep us in that 18-22ish minute range on this.


Pull Power (Weight) EMOM 15 1: 5 Deadlift 2: 5-10 Strict Pull-Up 3: Rest

Start your deadlifts around 60% and aim too end around 85% with a nice gradual increase each set.

Annie (Time) 50-40-30-20-10 Double-unders Sit-ups


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