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Strict Press Week 2 4x6 *2 Warm Up Sets of 3 and then start. Make small jumps as you build.

Press Stuff (Weight) EMOM x 20 Min 1 - 8 Bench Press @ 65% - 75% Min 2 - 100ft Farmer Carry Min 3 - Standing Single Arm DB Strict Press Min 4 - Ring Plank x :30 Min 5 - Rest



Tell It To My Heart (Time)

For Time: 70 Double Unders 35 Calorie Row 70 Double Unders 35 Chest To Bar Pull Up 70 Double Unders 35 Calorie Row 70 Double Unders 35 Toe To Bar Fitness: 100 Single Unders, 35 DB(2) Bent Over Row, 35 Straight leg Sit Ups Cap = 20 min




Week 2 5x6 Set 1-2: 60% Set 3-4: 65-70% Set 5: 70-75%

Heads Up 7 Up (Time) With a partner, 10 Rounds For Time (5 each) 5 Power Cleans (135/95) 10 Bar Facing Burpees Fitness: 5 DB (2) Hang Power Cleans 5 Up Downs RX+ (165/115)

This is meant to be an aggressive fast paced interval style workout. Perform touch and go power cleans for as long as you are able and complete burpees fast.



Cake Pops

For Time: 21-15-9 Calorie Row 7-5-3 Wall Walk

-rest 2:00-

21-15-9 Calorie C2 Bike or 200m, 150m,100m, Run 4-3-2 Rope Climb

-rest 2:00-

21-15-9 Echo Bike 21-15-9 Push-Up Cap = 32 Minutes


10,7,4 Inchworm + Push Up

8,6,4 Rope Pull or 12, 9, 6 Strict knee raises

Rx + =

9-7-5 Wall Walks

Strict HSPU



Back Squat

Week 2 Set 1-3: 10 Reps at 60-65% Set 4-5: 6 Reps at 75-80%

Back To Nature (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps) AMRAP x 6 min 2 Rounds: 12 Front Squats (165/115) Run 400m w/ remaining time: Max Rep Front Squat Rx+ = 205/135

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