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Monday (Sep 19th)

Hang Power Clean

EMOM 6:00

3 Hang Power Cleans

Start at a moderate weight and increase to a tough 3, well above your workout weight.

Act Fast (Time) For Time: 5-10-15-20 Hang Power Clean & Jerk 75/55 Toe to Bar into; 20-15-10-5 Thruster AbMat Sit Up Fitness: 5-10-15-20 DB (2) Hang Power Clean & Jerk AbMat Sit Up into; 20-15-10-5 DB (2) Thruster AbMat Sit Up Rx+: 5-10-15-20 Hang Power Clean & Jerk 95/65 Toe to Bar Cap = 15 Minutes

Tues (Sep 20th)

Night Rider

Every 5min x 5RDS 2 Rope Climb 15/12 Cal Row 10 DB(2) Box Step Overs 35/20 100m Run Fitness: 3 Rope Pulls or 8 Strict Pull Ups 12 Box Step Overs RX+: 50/35 Overall goal is to complete all 4 movements in around 4 minutes allowing you to earn some rest before the next round. Modify reps if needed so you're not working the entire 25min.

Wed (Sep 21st)


35min EMOM - 10 DB Bench Press - 100ft SB Bear Hug Carry - 10 Barbell Bent Over Row - 10/10 SA DB Strict Press - 45sec Plank - 10/10 Banded Forward Lat Pull - Rest .Bodybuilding work today! A lot of these movements will help us with our gymnastics and weightlifting plus it will help us head into bulking season!

Thus (Sep 22nd)

Triple Threat

2k Row

- 3min Rest -

1000m Run

-3min Rest -

100/80 Cal Bike

Fri (Sep 23rd)

Squat Clean

10:00 EMOM

1 Squat Clean

Start around 60-70%, Work up to a tough single but be smart

Big W For Time: 10-8-6-4-2 Power Clean 135/95 Chest to Bar Pull Up Fitness: 12-10-8-6-4 Slamball AbMat Sit Up DB (2) Bent Over Row Rx+: 185/125 & Bar Muscle Up Cap = 9 Minutes


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