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Happy Mothers day! Thank you for all the wonderful mommas at ATG who continue to show us what a great example looks like! Those babies are always watching us!

Monday 051120 WARM-UP AMRAP x 6 MINUTES* 30 Single Unders or 30 High Knees 10 Med Ball or Single DB Front Squats 10 Med Ball or Single DB Strict Press *3:00 into the AMRAP switch movements to the below: 20 Double Unders or 5 x Single Single Double Under Attempt or 30 Jumping Jacks 10 Wall Ball or Single DB Thrusters STRENGTH ON A 15:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Build to a 5RM Back Squat (Score is Weight) WORKOUT EVERY 3:00 FOR 4 SETS 75 Double Unders 25 Wall Balls (20/14)|(14/10) -Rest remainder of the time- (Score is Each Set for Time) ***HOME VERSION*** STRENGTH 6 SETS ON A 15:00 CLOCK... 10 DB Tempo Front Squats (1111) 10 DB Suitcase Reverse Lunges (Score is Weight) WORKOUT EVERY 3:00 FOR 4 SETS 75 Double Unders 25 DB Thrusters -Rest remainder of the time- (Score is Each Set for Time) Tuesday 051220 WARM-UP AMRAP x 5 MINUTES 5 Ring Rows or 5 DB Bent Over Rows 5 Push-ups 5 Hanging Knees to Chest or 5 Sit-ups 3 Burpees STRENGTH ON A 12:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Build to a 5RM Strict Press (Score is Weight) WORKOUT AMRAP x 15 MINUTES 500m Row 40 Toes 2 Bar 30 Ring Row 20 Push-ups 10 Push Press (135/95)|(95/65) (Score is Rounds + Reps) ***HOME VERSION*** STRENGTH 6 SETS ON A 12:00 CLOCK... 10 DB Tempo Strict Press (1111) 10 Push-ups (Score is Weight) WORKOUT AMRAP x 15 MINUTES 400m Run 40 V-ups 30 DB Hang Power Cleans 20 Push-ups 10 DB Push Press (Score is Rounds + Reps) Wednesday 051320

WARM-UP 1 ROUND 10 Up-Downs 20 Lateral Hops Over Bar or DB 10 Alt. Box Step-ups (20) or 10 Forward Lunges 1 ROUND 10 Up-Downs Over Bar or DB 10 Alt. Box Step-ups (24) or 10 Reverse Lunges 1 ROUND 5 Bar or DB Facing Burpees 10 Box Jumps (24/20) or 10 Jumping Lunges STRENGTH ON A 15:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Build to a 5RM Deadlift (Score is Weight) WORKOUT 6 ROUNDS FOR TIME 3 Deadlifts (255/175)|(185/125) 6 Bar Facing Burpees 9 Box Jumps (24/20) -10:00 Hard Cap- (Score is Time) ***HOME VERSION*** STRENGTH 6 SETS ON A 15:00 CLOCK... 10 DB Tempo Deadlift (1111) 15 Glute Bridges (Score is Weight) WORKOUT 6 ROUNDS FOR TIME 8 DB Facing Burpees 10 DB Deadlifts 12 Jumping Lunges -10:00 Hard Cap- (Score is Time) Thursday 051420 WARM-UP 2 ROUNDS :30 Bike/Run/Row :30 Lunges 7/7 Single Arm DB Deadlift 5/5 Single Arm DB Swing 3/3 Single Arm DB Press STRENGTH 10-10-10 Bench Press (Score is Weight) WORKOUT EMOM x 12 MINUTES MIN 1 - 22 Bodyweight Forward Lunges MIN 2 - 15/12 Cal Bike MIN 3 - 20 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35)|(30/20) (No Measure) ***HOME VERSION*** STRENGTH 4 SETS 10 DB Floor Press 10 Deficit Push-ups (Score is Weight) WORKOUT EMOM x 12 MINUTES MIN 1 - 22 Bodyweight Forward Lunges MIN 2 - :50 Max 20m Shuttle Sprints MIN 3 - 20 Alt. DB Snatch (No Measure) Friday 051520 WARM-UP AMRAP x 7 MINUTES 15 Jumping Jacks 10 Air Squats 8 Step-ups or 8 Cossack Squats 6 Up Downs STRENGTH ON A 12:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Build to a heavy weight of the complex 1 Deadlift + 2 Hang Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats (Score is Weight) WORKOUT AMRAP x 12 MINUTES 3-6-9 and so on... Hang Power Clean (135/95)|(95/65) Box Jumps (24/20) 200m Run (Score is Rounds + Reps) ***HOME VERSION*** STRENGTH 6 SETS ON A 12:00 CLOCK... 5 DB Deadlifts + 5 DB Hang Power Cleans + 5 DB Front Squats (Score is Weight) WORKOUT AMRAP x 12 MINUTES 3-6-9 and so on... DB Hang Power Clean DB Up-Downs 200m Run (Score is Rounds + Reps)

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