Covid Workouts
We are almost back guys! This week start mentally preparing for a 5k run, walk, or crawl! Don't worry you will keep getting workouts via text and a video break down each day from your coaches! If you're not ready when we do open back up to come around everyone, still dont worry we will get workouts and coaching to you in some capacity!
Covid Home Workout 1:
Tabata burpee Tabata weighted sit-up Tabata kettlebell/dumbbell swing Tabata burpee
The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for eight intervals. There is no rest between rounds.
Total workout time is 16 minutes
4 Minutes at each movement a tabata is 4 minutes long total!
Covid Home Workout 2:
For time
50 dumbbell deadlifts 50 AbMat sit-ups 50 box step-ups 50 single-arm thrusters
Covid Home Workout 3:
For time
21 dumbbell thrusters Run 400 meters 18 dumbbell thrusters Run 400 meters 15 dumbbell thrusters Run 400 meters
As fast and heavy as possible
Covid Home Workout 4:
For time
100 double-unders 21 burpees 75 double-unders 15 burpees 50 double-unders 9 burpees
Covid Home Workout 5:
10 rounds for time of
200-m run 10 dumbbell overhead squats