
Monday 122319
Full class schedule
Strength/Skill Bench Press
4 X 5
Amrap X 18 MINUTES
10 Burpees
15 Sit-ups
20 Slam Balls
25 Air Squats
Tuesday 122419
Two classes
"12 DAYS OF Christmas"
Day 1 - 100m Run
Day 2 - Power Clean (185/125)|(135/95)
Day 3 - Burpees to a Plate
Day 4 - DB Push Press (50/35)|(35/20)
Day 5 - Toes to Bar
Day 6 - Hand Release Push-ups
Day 7 - Plate Ground to OH (45/35)|(35/25)
Day 8 - Wall Balls (20/14)|(14/10)
Day 9 - Deadlifts (185/125)|(135/95)
Day 10 - Walking Lunges
Day 11 - DB Thruster
Day 12 - Bar Muscle-Ups
*Workout flows just like the Holiday song...each day represents the number of reps. Start at Day 1 (1 rep), then do Day 2 (2 reps) + Day 1 (1 rep) , Day 3 (3reps) + Day 2 (2 reps) + Day 1 (1 rep)...and so on.
Wednesday 122519
No classes
Merry Christmas!
Thursday 122619
Three classes
Teams of 2
4 Rounds for Time
20 Deadlifts (275/185)I(185/135)
40 Toe 2 Bar
60 Cal Row
*P1. Rests while P.2 Works and Vise Versa. Split work however your team sees fit
** Second Challenge - Double Over Hand grip on bar and no slamming the barbell
Friday 122719
Full class schedule
Front Squat*
*Set 1 - 30-40% x 5
Set 2 - 40-50% x 5
Set 3 - 50-60% x 5
*Deload week from Wendler. Reps should be smooth and mechanics perfect.
Thruster (95/65)|(65/45)
Burpees to Target (6")
-9:00 Hard Cap-
2:00 Calm Nasal Breathing
4:00 Flow Stretching
2:00 Calm Nasal Breathing
At home workouts!
Monday 122319
"12 days of Christmas "
Day 1 - Push up
Day 2- Tuck Ups
Day 3- V Ups
Day 4- Up Downs
Day 5- Lunges
Day 6- Sit ups
Day 7- Shuttle Sprints (10m down, 10m back=1)
Day 8- burpees
Day 9- Jumping Air Squats
Day 10- Double unders
Day 11- Superman’s
Day 12 - 1 hollow rock hold (1:00)
Tuesday 122419
4 Rounds for time
400m run
12 burpees
Wednesday 122519
Merry Christmas!!
Enjoy the day with your family go on a walk with them. Talk about how amazing the year was how awesome they are. And how undeserving we are for what we have!
Thursday 122619
Partner Workout! Grab anyone if no one will come grab the dog!
10 Rounds
4 Partner Burpees
8 Shuttle Sprints to mailbox and back
(Sorry if you have a long driveway)
1 Full round to be completed before swapping partners!
Friday 122719
5 Rounds For Time
10 Ground to Overhead with a plate (if they don’t have a plate use a Dumbell and do Snatches don’t have any equipment? Grab a galling of water or milk and do Sumo DL High Pulls)
15 Push Ups
20 Jumping Air Squats
25 Sit Ups