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Monday 111819 Workout 5 ROUNDS FOR TIME 25/22 Cal Row 15 Burpees to Plate 7 Bar Muscle-Ups COOL DOWN FOR RECOVERY 2:00 Pec Release (L) 2:00 Pec Release (R) 2:00 Child's Pose Tuesday 111919 Strength/Skill ON A 15:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Build to 1RM Push Press Workout 3 PARTS: 1) EVERY 2:00 FOR 2 SETS 35 Double Unders 15 Push Press (115/75)|(75/55) -Rest 1:00- 2) EVERY 2:00 FOR 2 SETS 35 Double Unders 12 Push Press (135/95)|(95/65) -Rest 1:00- 3) EVERY 2:00 FOR 2 SETS 35 Double Unders 9 Push Press (165/115)|(115/75) Wednesday 112019 Strength/Skill ON A 20:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Build to 1RM Front Squat Workout EMOM x 9 MINUTES MIN 1 - Max Front Squats (155/105)|(115/75) MIN 2 - Max Barbell Front Rack Hold MIN 3 - Max Knee 2 Elbow* *GHDSU Optional Thursday 112119 Workout FOR TIME 21-15-12-9-9-12-15-21 Slam Ball (30/20)|(20/15) Cal Bike POST WORKOUT SKILL ON A 12:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Practice Handstands or Handstand Walk *Suggested Drills Include... 0-4 Mins - Wall Supported HS, Box Supported Pike Hold, or Wall Walk 4-8 Mins - Bear Crawl, Box Supported Walk, Shoulder Taps or HS Walk 8-12 Mins - Free Play / Coach Guidance Friday 112219 Strength/Skill EXTENDED WARM-UP ON A 10:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Build Load & Refine Technique for Workout Workout BENCHMARK WORKOUT "THE CALI BEAR" EVERY :30 FOR 20 MINUTES 1 Power Clean & Jerk (225/155)|(155/105) *Beginners should scale weight to a moderate load and perform 2-3 reps on the minute, resting as needed to ensure proper mechanics. COOL DOWN FOR RECOVERY 3:00 Slow Bike 3:00 Foam Rolling ATG 45 Monday 111819 Strength/Skill EMOM x 8 MINUTES MIN 1 - 10 Strict Pull-ups or Vertical Ring Rows MIN 2 - 15 DB Floor Press Workout BENCHMARK WORKOUT "CARDIO HEAVEN" FOR TIME 50 Plate Ground to OH (45/35) 1000m Row 800m Run 50/40 Cal Bike 50 Plate Ground to OH -20:00 Time Cap- Tuesday 111919 Strength/Skill EVERY 1:30 FOR 7 SETS 1 High Hang Power Clean + 2 Pausing Hang Power Clean* + 2 Front Squats *Pause for :02 above the knee then continue the lift. Workout AMRAP x 6 MINUTES 7 Hang Power Cleans (95/65) 7 Burpees Over Bar Wednesday 112019 Strength/Skill 5-5-3-3-2 Bench Press* *Increase weight each Set. Workout 4 ROUNDS 1:00 MAX KB Goblet Lunges (53/35) 1:00 MAX Double Unders 1:00 MAX Alt. V-ups Thursday 112119 Strength/Skill 7-7-7-7 Front Squat -Rest 2:00 b/t Sets- Workout FOR TIME 27-21-15-9 Cal Row Thruster (95/65) -15:00 Hard Cap- Friday 112219 Workout PARTNER WORKOUT 16 ROUNDS FOR TIME* 8/6 Cal Bike 10 Slam Balls (30/20) -20:00 Hard Cap- *P1 works while P2 rests. Partners alternate every full round. Each partner completes 8 rounds. PARTNER STRENGTH FINISHER ALTERNATING TABATAS* T1 - DB Bicep Curls T2 - DB Skull Crushers *8 Sets Each. Alternating Movements Every Set for a Total of 8:00.

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