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Monday 110419 Workout FOR TIME 22-20-18-16-14 DB Push Press (40/30)|(30/20) DB Suitcase Reverse Lunge *200m Run after every full round. Tuesday 110519 Strength/Skill ON A 15:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Establish Moderate-Heavy 10-Rep Back Squat* *Not a 10RM test! Move well for all 10-Reps. Take :01 pause between each rep at the top. Workout 3 ROUNDS FOR TIME 15 Front Squats (135/95)|(95/65) 20 Toes 2 Bar -9:00 Hard Cap- OPTIONAL COOL DOWN FOR RECOVERY 2:30 Roll L-Side IT Band & Quad 2:30 Roll R-Side IT Band & Quad Wednesday 110619 Strength/Skill ON A 8:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Practice Footwork on Rope Climb* *Practice either in full climbs or seated on box Workout PARTNER WORKOUT IN TEAMS OF 4... AMRAP x 4 MINUTES Double KB or DB Deadlift (Athlete Choice, AHAP) *Everytime you break 3 Burpees -Rest 1:00- AMRAP x 4 MINUTES Rope Climbs or Strict Pull-Up *Everytime you break 2 Burpees -Rest 1:00- AMRAP x 4 MINUTES Double Unders *Everytime you break (or miss!) 1 Burpee -Rest 1:00- AMRAP x 4 MINUTES Cal Bike *Each Partner starts on different stations and rotate during the rest. Thursday 110719 Workout RECOVERY WORKOUT EMOM x 24 MINUTES MIN 1 - Row for Cals MIN 2 - AMRAP of 2 Hang Muscle Snatch + 2 OHS (45/35)|(35/15) MIN 3 - Hollow, Superman, or Plank Hold MIN 4 - DB/KB Filly Lunge (Light, Athlete Choice)* MIN 5 - Slam Ball (30/20)|(20/10) MIN 6 - Walking Rest** *In DB/KB Filly Lunge, L-arm extended for rounds 1 & 3 and R-arm extended for rounds 2 & 4. Athlete can use any combination of equipment for the Filly Lunge or use Double KB or Double DB. **During the walking rest...walk, breath, and recover. COOL DOWN FOR RECOVERY 2:00 L-Side Lat Distraction 2:00 R-Side Lat Distraction 2:00 Child's Pose 2:00 Down Dog Pose Friday 110819 Workout "OPEN 20.5" TBD Workout will be updated when announced on Thursday 5pm PST. ATG 45 Monday 110419 Strength/Skill 5-5-5-5-5* Tempo Strict Press (31X1) *Complete 12 Overhead Tricep Extensions after each set. Workout 3 SETS 50 Double Unders 15 Push Press (95/65) 10 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20) 200m Run -1:00 Rest b/t Sets- Tuesday 110519 Strength/Skill 3 SETS 20 DBL DB Hammer Curls 15 DB Bent Over Rows 10 Elevated Ring Rows -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- Workout TABATA 8 SETS, :20 WORK / :10 REST TABATA 1 - Plate G2OH (45/35) TABATA 2 - Plate Gun Hold TABATA 3 - Plate Thruster -1:00 Rest b/t Tabatas- Wednesday 110619 Strength/Skill 4-4-4-4* Segmented Tempo Deadlifts *Pause for :02 below the knee, :02 above the knee, and :02 at mid-thigh. Workout AMRAP x 15 MINUTES 15/12 Cal Row 12 Toes 2 Bar 10 Deadlifts (155/105) Thursday 110719 Strength/Skill EMOM x 12 MINUTES MIN 1 - 10 Seated Tempo Arnold Press (21X1) MIN 2 - 15 Box Dips Workout "DEATH BY 2 BURPEES" Complete 2 Burpee on the start of the first minute, 4 Burpees on the second minute, 6 Burpees on the third minute, and so on until you can no longer complete Burpees for the number of minutes on the timer. -10:00 Time Cap- Friday 110819 Strength/Skill 5-5-5-5-5* Tempo Front Squat (31X1) *Complete 8/8 DB Split Squats after each set. Workout EVERY 3:00 FOR 4 ROUNDS 20 Wall Balls (20/14) 20 Front Squats (75/55) MAX 50m Shuttle Run in remainder of time.

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