120224-120624Monday Reach For The StarsOn a 24 Min Clock:0:00-12:00For time:25/20 Cal Echo 20 T2B30 Front Squats 135/9520 T2B25/20 Cal Echo 12:00-24:00Build to:2 Rep Max Thruster Fitness: Sit ups, DB (2) Front SquatsRx+: 185/125Fitness: 12-24min (instead of a 2 Rep Max Thruster)6 x 3 Lighter Thruster Tuesday Rise and ShineEMOM 15Min 1: 12/10 SkiMin 2: 12 DB (2) Bench PressMin 3: Rest — 3 Min Transition — EMOM 15MIn 1: 12/10 RowMin 2: 8 Strict Pull UpsMin 3: Rest Fitness: Highest skill level for pull ups.Rx+: 18/15 Cals on machine, Weighted strict pull ups. Wednesday Imagine, Believe, AchieveMidline22 Min Flow:- :45 Sandbag Bear Hug Hold- 20 Bodyweight Walking Lunge- 8/8 Plate Up and Overs - 12 Heel Elevated Squats- 45 sec Hollow Hold Thursday Everyday CountsAMRAP 8250/200m Row10 Burpee Over Rower 2 Min Transition AMRAP 8500/400m C2 Bike20 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 2 Min Transition AMRAP 8200m Run2 Rope Climb 2 Min Transition AMRAP 8250/200m Ski60 Dubs/90 Singles FridayDeadlift5 x 5 BuildingALL sets 60-80%Unlock Your PotentialEvery 2 Minutes x 5 Sets:8 Hang Power Cleans (RPE of 8, no more than 75%)12 Box Jump Over 24/20
Monday Reach For The StarsOn a 24 Min Clock:0:00-12:00For time:25/20 Cal Echo 20 T2B30 Front Squats 135/9520 T2B25/20 Cal Echo 12:00-24:00Build to:2 Rep Max Thruster Fitness: Sit ups, DB (2) Front SquatsRx+: 185/125Fitness: 12-24min (instead of a 2 Rep Max Thruster)6 x 3 Lighter Thruster Tuesday Rise and ShineEMOM 15Min 1: 12/10 SkiMin 2: 12 DB (2) Bench PressMin 3: Rest — 3 Min Transition — EMOM 15MIn 1: 12/10 RowMin 2: 8 Strict Pull UpsMin 3: Rest Fitness: Highest skill level for pull ups.Rx+: 18/15 Cals on machine, Weighted strict pull ups. Wednesday Imagine, Believe, AchieveMidline22 Min Flow:- :45 Sandbag Bear Hug Hold- 20 Bodyweight Walking Lunge- 8/8 Plate Up and Overs - 12 Heel Elevated Squats- 45 sec Hollow Hold Thursday Everyday CountsAMRAP 8250/200m Row10 Burpee Over Rower 2 Min Transition AMRAP 8500/400m C2 Bike20 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 2 Min Transition AMRAP 8200m Run2 Rope Climb 2 Min Transition AMRAP 8250/200m Ski60 Dubs/90 Singles FridayDeadlift5 x 5 BuildingALL sets 60-80%Unlock Your PotentialEvery 2 Minutes x 5 Sets:8 Hang Power Cleans (RPE of 8, no more than 75%)12 Box Jump Over 24/20