111824-112224MondayFor Time:400m Run30 Deadlifts 135/95400m Run20 Power Clean400m Run10 Shoulder To Overhead Cap = 15 Minutes Rx+: 185/125BAccessory2-3 Sets10/10 Seated Banded Paloff Press 8/8 Side Plank Hip Dip w/ Iso Press12/12 Banded Suitcase Marches 12/12 Kneeling Oblique Crunch Tuesday EMOM 25Min 1: 3 Wall WalksMin 2: 12 Pull Up/10 C2B/6 BMU/4 RMUMin 3: :45 Farmers Carry HoldMin 4: 15/12 Cal RowMin 5: RestFitness: 6 Inch Worm + Push Ups, Ring Rows, Jumping Pull Ups, Strict Pull ups, 12/9 Cal Row*Note: Athletes choice on pull up gymnastics Wednesday AMRAP 1212 Wall Balls40 Dubs 12 V-Ups Accessory 12 Min Flow10/10 Bulgarian Split Squat12-15 Seated Banded Row:20 Copenhagen Hold E/SFitness: Any other version of a plank *Note: Split squats can be weighted with DB/KB or unweighted. Thursday Every 3 Min x 6 Sets:500m Row/Ski 1000m C2 BikeMax Burpee Shuttle Run 25’*Rest 2 minutes *Note: Alternate machines each round. Begin each shuttle run with a burpee. FridaySnatch ComplexE:90 x 7 Sets1 Snatch Pull+Hang PS+OHSBuild from 50% of snatch3 Rounds For Time:12 SA DB Front Squat 50/3510 DB Box Step Over 24/208 SA Alt Devil Press
MondayFor Time:400m Run30 Deadlifts 135/95400m Run20 Power Clean400m Run10 Shoulder To Overhead Cap = 15 Minutes Rx+: 185/125BAccessory2-3 Sets10/10 Seated Banded Paloff Press 8/8 Side Plank Hip Dip w/ Iso Press12/12 Banded Suitcase Marches 12/12 Kneeling Oblique Crunch Tuesday EMOM 25Min 1: 3 Wall WalksMin 2: 12 Pull Up/10 C2B/6 BMU/4 RMUMin 3: :45 Farmers Carry HoldMin 4: 15/12 Cal RowMin 5: RestFitness: 6 Inch Worm + Push Ups, Ring Rows, Jumping Pull Ups, Strict Pull ups, 12/9 Cal Row*Note: Athletes choice on pull up gymnastics Wednesday AMRAP 1212 Wall Balls40 Dubs 12 V-Ups Accessory 12 Min Flow10/10 Bulgarian Split Squat12-15 Seated Banded Row:20 Copenhagen Hold E/SFitness: Any other version of a plank *Note: Split squats can be weighted with DB/KB or unweighted. Thursday Every 3 Min x 6 Sets:500m Row/Ski 1000m C2 BikeMax Burpee Shuttle Run 25’*Rest 2 minutes *Note: Alternate machines each round. Begin each shuttle run with a burpee. FridaySnatch ComplexE:90 x 7 Sets1 Snatch Pull+Hang PS+OHSBuild from 50% of snatch3 Rounds For Time:12 SA DB Front Squat 50/3510 DB Box Step Over 24/208 SA Alt Devil Press