
Mon (Oct 31st)
Front Squat 5 x 4 Set 1-2: 60-70% Set 3-4: 70-80% Set 5: 80-85% Water Works (Time) 2 Rounds For Time 40/30 Cal Row 100ft DB(2) Walking Lunge 35/20 30 Push Ups 30 Pull Ups 15min Cap Fitness: Unweighted lunges Ring Row RX+ 50/35 15 Strict HSPU C2B Walking Lunges: DB's are held at your side for RX or RX+
Tues (Nov 1st)
Upper Body Pump (No Measure) Super set 4 rounds 12 Strict Press (Barbell) 16 Alt KB Gorilla Row " 21's" w/ DB's Strict Press is unbroken, if not sure what weight to do go light and build if needed. 21's 7 Bicep Curls from hips to halfway up 7 Bicep Curls from halfway up to top of curl 7 Full Bicep Curls
Intensity Tuesday Every 3min x 4 15/12 Cal Bike 100ft SB Bear Hug Carry 100/70 50 Double Unders
Fitness: 12/9 Cal Bike 75 Jump Rope RX+: 150/100
Wed (Nov 2nd)
Deadlift 5 x 5
Start at 60-70% and Slightly increase weight.
Tiki Torches (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps) 8min AMRAP Buy In: 35/30 Cal Ski 6 Hang Power Clean 135/95 9 STOH 12 Box Jump Overs 24/20 Fitness: DB Hang Clean DB Push Press Step Overs RX+: 165/115
Thurs (Nov 3rd)
Til Death Do Us Part 10 Rounds For Time: Run 200m 16 Wall Ball 20/14
18/15 Calorie Bike 8 Toe to Bar Fitness Run 200m 12 Wall Balls 15/12 Calorie 8 Sit Up Cap = 40 minutes
Fri (Nov 4th)
Bench Press
Start at 50-60% and build
Friday Happy Hour (Time) 4 Rounds For Time 8 Snatch 95/65 8 Bar Facing Burpees 12 Pull Up 10min Cap Fitness 10 KBS 8 Burpees 8/8 Bent Over Row w/ KB RX+: 135/95 6 Bar Muscle Up