
Monday (Oct 25th)
For Time:
500m Row
21-15-9 OH Squats @115/75lbs
*Try to stay steady on the row and get the OH squats unbroken today!
SKILL; 4 Rounds For Quality: 10 Ring Dips 6 Strict C2B Pull-Ups 14 V-Ups
Tuesday (Oct 26th)
Front Squat
*Build up in weight each set
*Take the barbell from the floor
*Rest as needed bt sets
10:00 EMOM
3 Hang Squat Cleans @155/105lbs
3 Muscle Ups
*In the Same minute
Wednesday (Oct 27th)
Bench Press:
5 Reps @75% of 90%
3 Reps @85% of 90%
Max Reps @95% of 90%
*Rest as needed bt sets
*Percentages based on 90% NOT 100% of 1RM
Every 3:00 x18:00 (6 Rounds):
10 DB Snatch @50/35lbs
14 TTB
18 Cal Row
Thursday (Oct 28th) WORKOUT: For Time: 2 Rounds 30 Sit-Ups 20 Burpees Rest 1:00 bt rounds 2 Rounds 40/32 Cal Bike 120 DUs Rest 1:00 bt Rounds 1 Round 30 Sit-Ups 20 Burpees Rest 1:00 1 Round 40/32 Cal Bike 120 DUs *Longer chipper style workout today!
Friday (Oct 29th)
Back Squat
5x5 Reps @60% of 1RM
*Lighter weight today focus on speed and technique.
WORKOUT: For Time: 12 Thrusters @135/95lbs 50ft Front rack lunge 9 Thrusters 50ft Front rack lunge 6 Thrusters *12:00 Time Cap
Saturday (Oct 30th)
Halloween Partner Workout at the 9:15 am Class