
Mon (Oct 24th)
CSI Westchase For Time 40-30-20 Wall Ball 20/14 *After each Round Complete* 8 Shuttle Run 20 Sit-Up 2 Rope Climb 12min Cap Shuttle Run: 25ft = 1 Rep Fitness: 4 Rope Pulls
Back Squat 4x6 Start at 55% and build
*Yes, back squats after the workout today!
Tues (Oct 25th)
Snatch Every 90sec x 6
3 Snatch
Start at 55-60% and build
Snatches should be caught in a squat position but if our legs are beat up from yesterday, feel free to do some Power Snatches.
Time Crisis (Time) 5 Rounds For Time 3 Hang Snatch 115/85 12 Hand Release Push Up 12 Box Jump 24/20 10min Cap Fitness: 6 Double DB Hang Snatch Step Ups RX+: 155/105 8 HSPU
Wed (Oct 26th)
Candy Pumpkins (No Measure) 28min AMRAP 100ft SB Bear hug Carry 500/400m Row 100ft Walking Lunge 30sec Max Cal Bike 100ft Pinch Plate Carry
Thurs (Oct 27th)
Fun Size Bars
8min AMRAP
15/12 Cal Ski
20 Air Squat
--2min Rest--
8min AMRAP
20/18 Cal Bike
12 Pull Up
--2min Rest--
8min AMRAP
200m Run
60 Double Under
100m = 1 Rep Fitness: 12 Ring Row
60 Single Under RX+: 12 C2B
Fri (Oct 28th)
Push Jerk 6x3
Starts at 50% of your heaviest overhead lift and build from there.
10 Rounds For Time: 3 Clean and Jerks (135/95 lb) 3 Burpees Over the Bar Sprint style Bench Mark today!!! Don't pace this one too much, work just fast enough to not redline and hold it there until the last round or two. Fitness: 3 DB(2) Hang Clean and Jerk 3 Burpee