
Mon (Oct 10th)
Back Rack Lunge (4 x 12 Start at light to moderate weight and build. Lunge forward or backward, your choice. *Take your time and show control. Avoid slamming your knee on the floor and make sure to put your bodyweight on your front leg.
Hard Sell (Time)
For Time
600/500m Row
-Straight into-
3 Rounds
24 DB(1) Front Squat 50/35
24 Sit-Up
12min Cap
Fitness: Goblet Squat
RX+: DB(1) Overhead Squat 50/35
**Must fully grip handle of the Dumbbell during Front SQ, Back head of DB on shoulder**
Tues (Oct 11th)
The Last Samurai (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps) Minute 0-16min AMRAP 35 Double Unders 8 Clean and Jerk 115/85 12 C2B 8 Lateral Burpee Over Bar Minute 16-20 REST Minute 20-26 Find 1RM Hang Clean Fitness: -16min AMRAP- 50 Jump Rope 8 DB Clean and Jerks 12 Ring Row 8 Burpees
Minute 16-20
Minute 20-26
Find a Heavy Hang Clean RX+: 155/105 6 BMU
*During the break, grab some weights and catch your breath BUT hold off on any lifts until the break is over. Hang Clean can be power or Squat.)
Wed (Oct 12th)
Dunk Tank (No Measure)
25min AMRAP
24/20 Cal Bike
50ft HSW, 10 Hand Stand Push Ups, or :45 Plate Hold
100m SA Farmers Carry
12/12 DB Bent Over Row on Bench
1min Sandbag Bear Hug March
Pick your weights hit this at you own pace today!
Thurs (Oct 13th)
Last Harvest Before Fall (Time)
For Time: Run 800m Run 600m Run 400m Run 200m *After each run, perform: 25 Wall Ball 20/14 20/18 Calorie Row 15 Push Up
Rx+ = UNBROKEN on the Wallballs & Ring Dip Cap = 35 Minutes
Fri (Oct 14th)
Power Clean (Every 2min x 5) 5 Power Clean Start at 60-65% and build *Reps do not have to be touch and go BUT they need to at least be quick-ish singles. Kewl (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps) 7min AMRAP 1 Power Clean 185/135 6 Deadlift 3 Wall Walk Fitness: 1 Power Clean 135/95
6 Deadlifts
:30 Plate Hold