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Monday 081621

STRENGTH: 5:00 EMOM 5 Power Cleans @55-60% (t&g) Rest 1:00 5:00 EMOM 3 Power Cleans @70-75% (t&g) Rest 1:00 Every 0:30 x5:00 Minutes: 1 Power Clean @85-90%

WORKOUT: 10:00 EMOM Odd) 0:30 Seconds Max Row Cals Even) 0:30 Seconds Max SHSPUs *alternate between these two movements, score is cals + hspu.

Tuesday 081721 STRENGTH: Box Back Squat 10x2 @60% *Rest 1:00 bt sets WORKOUT: 5 Rounds For Time 18/15 Cal Bike 7 Muscle Ups 50 DUs

*16:00 Time Cap

Wednesday 081821

WORKOUT: 3 Rounds For Time: 10 Clean & Jerks @135/95lbs 400m Run Rest 3:00 bt Rounds

SKILL: 3 Rounds For Quality: 100ft Walking Lunge (bw) 20 Alternating Leg V-Ups

Thursday 081921


For Time:

5000m Row *Smooth and steady row time trial.


Bench Press

2 Sets:

5-3-1 Reps

*Rest as needed bt sets and set of reps.

**Make sure you go heavier the second set!

***Suggested starting percentages: 75-80-85%

Friday 082021


Back Squat

3x5 Reps @70%

*Rest as needed bt sets

**All sets at the same weight


For Time:

200m Run


Push Press @115/75lbs


*16:00 Time CAP


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