080524-080924Monday Islands Of AdventureUntil 50 Clusters Are Completed:2:00 AMRAP10/8 cals C2 Bike/ 8/6 Echo10 Lateral Bar Over BurpeesMax Clusters 95/65 remainder of 2:00Rest 2:00 Workout ends at 50 clusters Fitness: Decrease the amount of Clusters or BurpeesRx+ = 115/80 Tuesday Epcot2 Rounds Not For Time20 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats 100m DB/KB (2) Farmers Carry100' Bearhug Sandbag Carry100' KB (1) Front Rack Carry (250' /side)Universal3 Sets For Quality::30 Mini Band Pasos March (laying on your back) 10/10 Leg Lifts over DB8-12 Squats facing the wall (Squat Therapy) WednesdayPower CleanEvery :90 for 12 minutes (8 sets)1 Power Clean + 1 Front SquatDisney WorldAMRAP 103 Power Cleans 155/1053 Shoulder to Overhead3 Toes to Bar**T2B reps increase by 3 each round Rx+:205/135 Fitness:3 Slam Ball3 Push Up3 AbMat Sit Up**Sit Up reps increase by 3 each round ThursdayLegolandFor Time W/ a Partner200 Double Under1000/800m Row2000/1600m C2 Bike / 50/40 Echo Rest 3 min 100 Double Under600/500m Row1500/1000m C2 Bike / 40/30 Echo Rest 3 min 50 Double Under400/300m Row1000/800m C2 Bike / 30/20 Echo Fitness:250, 200, 100 Single Unders FridayBusch Gardens6 Rounds For Time:12/10 Calorie Row/Ski(alt.)9 Pull Up Fitness::40 Machine Jumping Pull ups/Ring Rows Rx+:6 Ring Muscle UpDinosaur World3 Sets For Pump Flow:8 DB (2) Bench Press16 Banded Pallof Press (8/8):40 Single Arm Regular Plank (:20 R + :20 L)
Monday Islands Of AdventureUntil 50 Clusters Are Completed:2:00 AMRAP10/8 cals C2 Bike/ 8/6 Echo10 Lateral Bar Over BurpeesMax Clusters 95/65 remainder of 2:00Rest 2:00 Workout ends at 50 clusters Fitness: Decrease the amount of Clusters or BurpeesRx+ = 115/80 Tuesday Epcot2 Rounds Not For Time20 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats 100m DB/KB (2) Farmers Carry100' Bearhug Sandbag Carry100' KB (1) Front Rack Carry (250' /side)Universal3 Sets For Quality::30 Mini Band Pasos March (laying on your back) 10/10 Leg Lifts over DB8-12 Squats facing the wall (Squat Therapy) WednesdayPower CleanEvery :90 for 12 minutes (8 sets)1 Power Clean + 1 Front SquatDisney WorldAMRAP 103 Power Cleans 155/1053 Shoulder to Overhead3 Toes to Bar**T2B reps increase by 3 each round Rx+:205/135 Fitness:3 Slam Ball3 Push Up3 AbMat Sit Up**Sit Up reps increase by 3 each round ThursdayLegolandFor Time W/ a Partner200 Double Under1000/800m Row2000/1600m C2 Bike / 50/40 Echo Rest 3 min 100 Double Under600/500m Row1500/1000m C2 Bike / 40/30 Echo Rest 3 min 50 Double Under400/300m Row1000/800m C2 Bike / 30/20 Echo Fitness:250, 200, 100 Single Unders FridayBusch Gardens6 Rounds For Time:12/10 Calorie Row/Ski(alt.)9 Pull Up Fitness::40 Machine Jumping Pull ups/Ring Rows Rx+:6 Ring Muscle UpDinosaur World3 Sets For Pump Flow:8 DB (2) Bench Press16 Banded Pallof Press (8/8):40 Single Arm Regular Plank (:20 R + :20 L)