June Sunsets Bench Press5 x 5 @ moderately heavy weight*rest :90-2:00 between setsinto:Superset:Box Dip x 12Push Up x 12x 3-4 sets Complete all 5 sets of bench presses before moving into the superset.
Kore Kash Out (No Measure)TABATA x 4 Minutes:-Plank-Medball Russian Twists
Back Squat
Find 1RM20min Cap
If you do not wish to test your back squat today, complete the following:6x5Start at 65% and build
Tow TrucksStrict Pull-Up5 x 5-8 @ moderately challenging effort (banded, or add weight)*rest :90-2:00 between setsinto:Superset:Banded Barbell Bent Over Row x 12-15Sandbag Bearhug Slow Carry x 100'x 3-4 sets Similar session to Monday, but we are pulling instead of pressing.
Burn It Down (Time)Partner Workout: (Teams of 2)For Time:80/65 Calorie Ski200m Famers Carry
30 DB/KB (1) Box Step-ups
200m Farmers Carry
80/65 Cal Row
Apologize, It's Too Late To (Time)
2 Rounds For Time:25/20 Calorie Bike50 AbMat Sit Up40 Push UpRun 400m60 Double Under3 Rope ClimbFitness:100 Single UnderRx +:12 Ring Muscle UpCap = 25 Minutes
Elevated Deadlift*Loaded Barbell sits on blocks or plates to make the bar sit just below the knees.5x5Start around 65-70% and build as you go.
... Why? (Time)3 Rounds For Time20 Alt DB Snatch 35/2020 DB(1) Front Squat14/10 Cal Ski10min Cap**DB Front Squat Standard: 1 Head of DB must be on the shoulder (not chest or back) and one hand must be fully gripped on DB Handle**Fitness:20 Alt Hang DB Snatch30 Air Squat12/8 SkiRX+:50/35Single Arm DB Overhead Squat