032023-032423MondayEMOM 301: 50 Double Under2: 4 Power Clean @ 70-75%3: 15/12 Calorie Row4: 3 Shoulder to Overhead5: 15-20 Abmat Sit Up6: Rest TuesdaySnatch12min EMOM1 RepEMOM 12 - Building to a tough single for the day. Feel free to power or squat, totally your choice.Fitness 12min EMOM optionEMOM 121: 6 Alt DB (1) Snatch + 7 DB Goblet Squat2: :30 C2 Bike + 2 Lateral Burpee Over DBAll Of The LightsFor Time:10-8-6-4-2Power Snatch 75/55Pull Up-rest :60-2-4-6-8-10Front Squat 75/55Toe to BarRx+:Bar MUFitness:10-8-6-4-2Kettlebell SwingDB (2) Bent Over Row-rest :60-2-4-6-8-10Kettlebell Swing4-8-12-16-20Abmat Sit Up WednesdayDeadlift6x3Start around 70% and build to a heavy 3 for today.Albacore“partner workout”1,000m Row + 125 Abmat Sit-Ups 800m Row + 80 Push-Ups600m Row + 50 Toes to BarOne athlete working at a time to keep intensity high. ThursdayDe-Loader28min Flow100ft Reverse Sled Drag or SB Carry100ft Farmers Carry (Heavy)1min Assault Bike10/10 Paloff Press400m runLess "lungy" Lungs Thursday. Taking sometime to just move with a little bit of aerobic work and some essential accessories FridayBack Squat3 x 8 @ 65-75%Solid maintenance work today, sets should be tough but doable. All sets should be the same across.Dang it...3 Rounds for Time50 Double Under8 Cluster 115/8016 Bar Facing Burpee15 min time capFitness:Cluster w/ SlamballBurpee75 Single UnderRX+155/10575 Double Under
MondayEMOM 301: 50 Double Under2: 4 Power Clean @ 70-75%3: 15/12 Calorie Row4: 3 Shoulder to Overhead5: 15-20 Abmat Sit Up6: Rest TuesdaySnatch12min EMOM1 RepEMOM 12 - Building to a tough single for the day. Feel free to power or squat, totally your choice.Fitness 12min EMOM optionEMOM 121: 6 Alt DB (1) Snatch + 7 DB Goblet Squat2: :30 C2 Bike + 2 Lateral Burpee Over DBAll Of The LightsFor Time:10-8-6-4-2Power Snatch 75/55Pull Up-rest :60-2-4-6-8-10Front Squat 75/55Toe to BarRx+:Bar MUFitness:10-8-6-4-2Kettlebell SwingDB (2) Bent Over Row-rest :60-2-4-6-8-10Kettlebell Swing4-8-12-16-20Abmat Sit Up WednesdayDeadlift6x3Start around 70% and build to a heavy 3 for today.Albacore“partner workout”1,000m Row + 125 Abmat Sit-Ups 800m Row + 80 Push-Ups600m Row + 50 Toes to BarOne athlete working at a time to keep intensity high. ThursdayDe-Loader28min Flow100ft Reverse Sled Drag or SB Carry100ft Farmers Carry (Heavy)1min Assault Bike10/10 Paloff Press400m runLess "lungy" Lungs Thursday. Taking sometime to just move with a little bit of aerobic work and some essential accessories FridayBack Squat3 x 8 @ 65-75%Solid maintenance work today, sets should be tough but doable. All sets should be the same across.Dang it...3 Rounds for Time50 Double Under8 Cluster 115/8016 Bar Facing Burpee15 min time capFitness:Cluster w/ SlamballBurpee75 Single UnderRX+155/10575 Double Under