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Monday 021521



:45 Active Bar Hang

8/8 Tempo (2020) Box Step-Downs (24/20)

1:00 Weighted DB Squat Hold

1:00 Bike (EZ)

-Rest as needed b/t Sets-

*Freestand Optional

(No Measure)



40/30 Cal Bike

40 Single DB Alt. Step-Ups (50/35)|(35/20) || (24/20)*

40 Dumbell Snatches

40 Pull-Ups

40 Dumbell Snatches

40 Single DB Alt. Step-Ups

40/30 Cal Bike

*DB Can be held in any way above the waist.

(Score is Time)

HSPU Option 1: Box Pike Push-Ups

HSPU Option 2: DB Strict Press Tuesday 021621 STRENGTH 3 SETS ON A 12:00 RUNNING CLOCK... 1 Snatch Deadlift + 1 Hang Power Snatch (Above the Knee) + 1 Hang Power Snatch (Below the Knee) -Rest as needed b/t Sets- *Weight stays Light for all 3 Sets (Score is Weight) WORKOUT 4 SETS ON A 4:00 RUNNING CLOCK... 500/400m Row 15 Power Snatch* Max Double Unders in Time Remaining -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- *Power Snatch reps decrease by 3 each set...15-12-9-6 SET 1 - 15 Reps @ (95/65)|(65/45) SET 2 - 12 Reps @ (115/75)|(75/55) SET 3 - 9 Reps @ (135/95)|(95/65) SET 4 - 6 Reps @ (155/105)|(115/75) COOLDOWN FOR RECOVERY 5:00 Foam Roll Upper Back Wednesday 021721 WORKOUT 5 SETS FOR MAX REPS 1:00 DB Front Squats (Athlete Choice) 1:00 Box Jumps (30/24)* 1:00 DB No Push-Up Renegade Rows 1:00 Hollow Hold 1:00 Rest * Athletes must step down from the box. (Score is Reps) Thursday 021821 SKILL EMOM x 10 MINUTES MIN 1 - 5 Strict TTB + :20 Hollow Body Hang* MIN 2 -:45 Shuttle Run (EZ) *Drop between TTB + Hang (No Measure) WORKOUT 4 ROUNDS FOR TIME 15 Toes to Bar 15 Deadlifts (225/155)|(155/105) 400m Run (Score is Time)

Friday 021921 WORKOUT AMRAP x 15 MINUTES 5-10-15-20...and so on Wall Balls (20/14)|(14/10) DB Hang Clean and Jerks (50/35)(35/20) Hand Release Push-Ups (Score is Rounds + Reps) FINISHER 3 SETS FOR QUALITY 8 DB Zottman Curls Max Alt. DB Hammer Curls


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