
Mon (Feb 6th)
Back Squat
6 x 3
Stay around 80-85% for all sets
Rattlesnake (Time) For Time 400m Run 20 Wall Balls 200m Run 100 Double Under 200m Run 20 Wall Balls 400m Run 12min Cap Fitness 175 Single Unders
Tue (Feb 7th)
Tommy Lee Jones (Weight)
4 Rounds For Quality
10 Unbroken Bench Press 55-65%
20 Straight Leg Sit-Up
15 DB Synchro Hammer Curl
Rest 1-2min after completing a whole round
Cupcake Max Effort 1000m Row
Wed (Feb 8th)
New York Minute For Time w/ Partner *Complete as many reps as possible in 1 minute, switching from work to rest every minute until the workout is completed.* 70 Burpees 60/50 Cal Ski 50 Single DB Box Step Up Your coach will call out the minute and at that time you and your partner will switch who's working and who's resting
Core Crasher (No Measure) TABATA 6 Minutes: -Alt Leg V Up -Reverse Crunch -Flutter Kick
Thur (Feb 9th)
Good 4 U
Every 4min x 6 15/12 Cal Bike / 15/12 Cal Row (Alternate) 12 Kettle Bell Swings 10 Push Ups Fitness: 12/9 Cal Bike/Row
Fri (Feb 10th)
Skill WRK
10min EMOM
-:45 Gymnastic Pull (Kip Swing, Pull Up/Chest to Bar, Muscle Up)
-:45 EASY Bike
Hotmail (Time) For Time 20 Box Jumps 24/20 20 DB Snatches 50/35 20 Box Jump Over 20 DB Snatches 20 Goblet Squats 20 DB Snatches 20 Goblet Squats 20 DB Snatches 12min Cap Fitness: 20 Step Up 20 Air Squat 35/20 RX+: 70/50