020325-020725Monday Tempo Back Squat@ 3-1-0-1 5 x 3 Between 70%-80%Yetis12 Min Flow100’ Cross Body Carry Ea/way20/16 Cal C2 Bike8-10 Banded Lateral Raise /side TuesdayDanAMRAP 26 w/ a Partner Leap frog style 1 Deadlift 315/2255 Pull Up7 Push Up9 Toe to Bar300m Runex: Partner 1 does 1 dl, Partner 2 does 5 pull up...then run together and start over.This workout is in memory of Dan Brockunier, a CFWC member who passed away on Tuesday January 22nd, 2019.The 26 minutes represent the 26 years Dan lived.The vest is to honor Dan's service in the military.The numbers 1, 5, 7, 9 = 22, the day of Dan's passing.the 300m run represents the 3 months Dan battled cancer.The heavy deadlift represents Dan's love of deadlifting heavy. Norisse, Caitlin, and Noel created this workout in Dan's name. WednesdayTumbleweedsEMOM 30Min 1: 8 Barbell Strict Shoulder Press (from floor)Min 2: 8/8 Gorilla RowMin 3: 30 sec Top of Ring HoldMin 4: :20 Sprint on bike Min 5: Rest ThursdayBarking Dog6 Rounds For Time:15/12 Cal Machine (alt Ski, Row, Bike)125’ Sandbag Carry 100/70200m Run Rx+: 20/16 Cals, 150/100 Friday ThrusterBuild to 3 x 3 ThrusterCrossFit Games Open 17.510 rounds for time of:9 thrusters 95# / 65#35 double-unders
Monday Tempo Back Squat@ 3-1-0-1 5 x 3 Between 70%-80%Yetis12 Min Flow100’ Cross Body Carry Ea/way20/16 Cal C2 Bike8-10 Banded Lateral Raise /side TuesdayDanAMRAP 26 w/ a Partner Leap frog style 1 Deadlift 315/2255 Pull Up7 Push Up9 Toe to Bar300m Runex: Partner 1 does 1 dl, Partner 2 does 5 pull up...then run together and start over.This workout is in memory of Dan Brockunier, a CFWC member who passed away on Tuesday January 22nd, 2019.The 26 minutes represent the 26 years Dan lived.The vest is to honor Dan's service in the military.The numbers 1, 5, 7, 9 = 22, the day of Dan's passing.the 300m run represents the 3 months Dan battled cancer.The heavy deadlift represents Dan's love of deadlifting heavy. Norisse, Caitlin, and Noel created this workout in Dan's name. WednesdayTumbleweedsEMOM 30Min 1: 8 Barbell Strict Shoulder Press (from floor)Min 2: 8/8 Gorilla RowMin 3: 30 sec Top of Ring HoldMin 4: :20 Sprint on bike Min 5: Rest ThursdayBarking Dog6 Rounds For Time:15/12 Cal Machine (alt Ski, Row, Bike)125’ Sandbag Carry 100/70200m Run Rx+: 20/16 Cals, 150/100 Friday ThrusterBuild to 3 x 3 ThrusterCrossFit Games Open 17.510 rounds for time of:9 thrusters 95# / 65#35 double-unders