
Mon (Jan 2nd)
Tue (Jan 3rd)
Glass Penguin (No Measure)
25min EMOM - 4 Wall Walk - 20sec Bike Sprint - 45sec SB Bear Hug Hold - 100ft Single Arm Farmers Carry - 10-15 Barbell Bicep Curls
Wed (Jan 4th)
Back Squat
5x5 Start at 60-65% and build
10:00 AMRAP
8 Deadlifts 225/155
8 Toe to bar
12 Strict HSPU
8 Deadlifts 155/105
12 Sit Ups
12 DB Strict Press
Thur (Jan 5th)
Name of The Game (Time)
For Time
50/40Cal Bike
*Every 3min: 15 Wall Ball 20/14
1000/800m Row
*Every 3min: 10 Box Jumps 24/20
800/600m Ski
*Every 3min: 2 Rope Climb
30min Cap
*Workout Starts on NON machine movements *If you complete your distance on the machine before the next 3min mark, start working on the next machine.
10 Step Ups
4 Rope Pulls
Fri (Jan 6th)
Snatch -Week 2 of 4
10min EMOM
1 Snatch 80% *same weight for 10min
Friday Feelings (Time) For Time 10 Snatch 135/95 20 C2B 30 Bar Facing Burpee 20 C2B 10 Snatch 14min Cap Fitness: 20 Alt DB Snatch (Light to Moderate) 20 Pull-Up or Ring Row 30 Burpee RX+: 185/125